Friday, January 15, 2010


Me and Amy arrived in Amsterdam around 11am and met up with Jordan, one of the guys from our program. It was a crazy thing that we found him. He was waiting for us at the station and we just happened to bump into him. It turned out his phone wasn’t working and if we hadn’t seen him in the station we may never have found him.
            It had snowed in Amsterdam the day before and there was about 3-4 inches on the ground. For Amsterdam this was the first snow in over 100yrs. It was throwing the city off a little bit and mainly effected the transportation systems. But for us it was fun to see the snow. We hadn’t really gotten that chance before.
            The first place we went to was the Heineken Brewery. Of all the breweries we went to this was the best. It was hands on and the attractions were well put together. Afterwards we found lunch and just walked around. The city is very unique in its style and there was plenty to just look at.
            We visited Anne Frank’s house and took a tour. When she says they lived in an attic this is only partially true. It was more like a flat or two story house on top of the warehouse. It was a lot bigger than I had anticipated.
            When it started getting dark Jordan took us to the red light district. I was really glad to have him along. There was about a 20 to 1 guy girl ratio. There wouldn’t have been any problems, but it was nice to have a guy along. Of all the things I’ve seen this may be one of the saddest. It hurts your heart a little.

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