Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mohawk Lakes

Just past my house is a dirt road that leads to a rock road. At the end of the rock road is a trail that leads to Lower and Upper Mohawk Lakes. It is a short 2 mile hike to the upper lake, but it will get your heart rate going. Along the way there is old mining equipment and a beautiful waterfall. My first attempt at getting to the upper lake was unsuccessful. I started out in April and was blocked by giant snow drifts just after reaching the lower lake.
 There was a village of old run down cabins. This is one of them.

Here the lower lake is frozen.
This was my sad attempt to hike through the snow drift only to realize I still wasn't going to make it to the upper lake. So I slid down on my jacket
I also encountered signs of Bigfoot!

Here is a before and after of the waterfall:

And the second attempt I made it to the upper lake!!

And an excellent look back at the lower lake

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