Saturday, June 8, 2013

Skagway the town

There are very few sunny days and most of the time the weather is rainy, cloudy and windy. Skagway the name comes from the native Tlingit word Skaguay which means "home of the north wind." And most days it lives up to that name. However, we have had some beautiful days, so I took advantage of one and took some pictures around town.

This is the back alley of the shop with our row of vans we take on tour.

This is the front of the shop on 5th street.

Just a cool picture of the mountains coming directly out of the sea. They are about 4,000-5,000 feet high and extend about 1,600 feet into the sea.

This is from the end of the pier looking back at Skagway. The valley is the White Pass and one of the major routes to the Yukon during the gold rush. It is the only way in and out of Skagway by car.

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