Thursday, December 10, 2009


I'm beginning to pack and I'm not sure where everything came from!! There is so much stuff that I still haven't packed, where did it come from? I'm about to have to weed out some unwanted clothes and things... I'll be home in 9 days and the countdown begins.
I'm not 100% ready to leave. I feel like 3 months was just enough to finally get settled in. I know my way around and I'm getting comfortable and learning more and more German. I'm bound and determined to come back for a long stay some how in the future. Still working those details out... The last few days and this evening have been really sad : ( We have all been saying bye to each other and promising facebook every now and then. It is weird to think I won't see any of them probably ever again. We have spent the last 3 1/2 months together and now we are going our separate ways.
I leave for London in the morning!

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