Saturday, December 5, 2009

Random Facts

I only have a week left in Salzburg and in two weeks I'll be home. I've got a London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Amsterdam tour planned for the last week. But we have been talking about things we are ready to get back to and things we are not ready to leave, so here is my list so far.

Ready to get back to:
- not where everything is in German it is fun when you are not trying to write a paper
- sliced bread and peanut butter
- my car, for town
- old friends
- not as much homework and O’Colly crossword puzzles
-free water at restaurants

Not ready to leave:
-the mountains, I have the best view out my bedroom window
-traveling every weekend, in a few hours you are in a different country
- new friends
- rolls and Nutella
- cappuccino
- the pace of life

more to come....

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