Saturday, April 13, 2013


Splitboard: A Splitboard is a Snowboard split down the middle to form two halves. The two halves are stably connected by a simple, but durable interface to form one piece. The halves can be unassembled and function as skis with skins attached for climbing snow up to 40 degrees. A great piece of equiptment for backcountry powder adventures with proper safety equiptment and avalanche training awareness.1
The beginning of any trek starts with the board assembled like skis with a pair of skins on the bottom. Skins are like a piece of carpet that only lets the skis go one direction and have a sticky substance on the underside and clips on the tail and nose to keep it on the ski.

This mornings trek to Francie's cabin was exciting. It snowed a few inches the night before and snowed the entire way up.

We are making fresh tracks. The only ones up the trail so far. 

At the top with Skylar. 

I haven't done anything to difficult. We've stayed on well maintained trails. However, the ride down is incredible. There is nothing like like. Making fresh turns in untouched powder and no is around. It's calm and surreal and peaceful. 


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