Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Cave

I have become a fan of geocaching. It's basically a scavenger hunt for grown ups.
On the south end of Breckenridge there is a trail that follows Highway 9 out of town. It starts just next to the ice rink.
This cache is a multi stage, so you have to find the first cache to get the coordinates for the second.
The cache is called Frewey's Cave. On the trail you find the first cache within 1/8th of a mile and the second cache is about 1/2 mile more. It takes you off the trail just a little, but brings you to this.

You can't tell at first, but that rock pile is a cave. It goes back a ways and if you are willing to crawl you can get several yards back into it. 

On the hike out there are fantastic views of Breckenridge Ski Resort. 
Geocaching takes me on amazing adventures!

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