Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bees Knees

Over the course of my last few snowboarding days I've gone without wearing my knee brace. The first time was an accident and I just forgot to put it on before hitting the slopes. I took it easy for the first hour or so, but I soon realized my knee was taking the mogul and tree runs just fine. After a 4 hour day I didn't need ibuprofen. I gave it another shot this morning at A-Basin to find the same results. After an hour of intense moguls and steeps I was still doing great!
This is a huge improvement and blessing! I can tell that my body is really loving the exercise I've been able to get in up here, but I had no idea that it was helping my knee so much. I've felt like it has held me back a little the last few years, but being able to snowboard without my brace is incredible. I never thought I would be able to do that again. It's a relief to shed that un-needed baggage.
I'm continuing to work out and snowboard. I can't wait to see just how "in shape" I can get this winter. I'll be ready for swim suit season when it gets here
: )

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