Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Journey

I find it ironic, but also a typical God move, that I named my blog “The Nomad” and what I have been learning about Christ and my faith has dealt with “journey,” so I though I would share a little of what I’ve been learning with you. It is pretty cool and makes me feel like I’m on the right track in life. Maybe not where I saw myself, but exactly where God needs me to be, to grow me into who I need to be.

From The Call by Os Guiness

            A follower of the Way is to see life as a journey, which, while we are still alive on the earth, is an incomplete journey that cannot be finally assessed[1].

            For those who live life as a journey and see faith as a journey, calling has an obvious implication. It reminds us that we are all still at different stages on the way and none of us alive has yet arrived.[2] Trouble comes when we forget this fact and pretend that life is static and settled[3], as if everything were a matter of sharp lines, clear boundaries[4], precise labels, and final assessments. So that some are in, some out; some have arrived, others not.

Certainly we who follow Christ know why we have lost our original home[5]. We know the home to which we are going[6]. And we know not only the One who awaits us there, who makes it home[7], but also the One who goes with us[8] on the journey. But we are still on a journey, and we are truly travelers. We are not wanderers, but we are wayfarers[9]. We have discovered that He is the way, but we are still on the road. Our faith is a pilgrim faith essentially at odds with place and settlement[10].

[1] Always a traveler; never settled. This fits my life so perfectly. I feel like I am a living representation of this.
[2] Isn’t it reassuring to know that no one has actually “arrived.” And if they say they have come to this ultimate place of “being” they have completely missed the point of following the way. You can never arrive while on earth. It will always be a search and a journey.
[3] This is awesome to hear! I would never think of my life as static and it never should be.
[4] There is no black and white. God doesn’t work inside the lines.
[5] Darn you serpent!
[6] Yeah for Heaven! It truly will be a glorious place.
[7] He has a special place just for me. I can’t wait to see what it will look like.
[8] Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding me through this journey.
[9] Wanderer: aimless and without direction. Wayfarer: a traveler on foot. A wayfarer has a destination, but a hard journey ahead. A wanderer has no final plans and just stumbles along. I may be wandering aimlessly trying to find my place in this physical life, but on my spiritual journey there is purpose.
[10] Could this be the reason that I always feel so unsettled? I’m always at odds with this life. I may never feel “settled” until I reach my final resting place. I do feel at odds with the world. Like my lifestyle doesn’t fit here. 

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