Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sub-Arctic Snowboarding

Merry Christmas to me! I bought a new pair of bindings for my snowboard and I put them on last night. So naturally I wanted to test them out today seeing as it was my day off. When I woke up this morning at 9:30 the temperature hadn't made it above 0 degrees. I made it to the mountain at about noon and was super excited to get a few runs in regardless of the temperature. The first few runs were great! I didn't notice the fact that the temperature was at a daytime high of 2 degrees. After about 5 runs my toes were COLD! So I rested for a few minutes in one of the warming huts. It was all down hill from there. The second time out I got 3 runs in before I wanted inside and then I did 2 runs for my last outing of the day. By then the sun had gone behind the clouds and the temperature had dropped. So I called it a day. Overall though, for sub-arctic temperatures it was a fairly successful day! And my new bindings are great!

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