Friday, September 30, 2011

Lily Pad Pond

This hike was a grand adventure, because unlike my other hikes this was not a there and back trip. This was a through hike or point to point.
So I rode the bus! The Summit Stage in Summit County is awesome and gets you pretty much anywhere you need to go, so I utilized it this way I didn't have to leave my car somewhere and then figure out how to get back to it.
The hike started at the top of Wilderness and ended in Frisco. The main highlight is when you get to the highest point of the hike there is a lake with lily pads all over it. Then from there it is all downhill into Frisco.
This is Buffalo Mountain -->

The walk down was pretty easy and it had a great view of the valley and Lake Dillon.

Once I got to the bottom of the trail I realized that I was on the wrong side of the interstate and the Frisco Bus station was directly across it, but there was no way I was playing Frogger and crossing the interstate. I knew there was an overpass about 1/2 a mile away so I headed for it and made a safe crossing. The best part was I made it to the bus station walked on my bus and it pulled out on its way to Dillon. Timing was definitely in my favor!
Overall a great hike and really pretty easy only 3.5 miles and fantastic scenery. 

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