Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lower Cataract Lake

For my hike yesterday I headed north and near Heeney, CO.
Once I got off of the highway I drove along a windy road and then down a dirt path and onto National Forest land. There were a few trailheads in the area and I stopped at the one I thought to be the start of the Lower Cataract Lake Loop. After hiking about 1/2 a mile I realized this is not getting me any closer to a lake that should have been less than 100yrds from the trailhead. So I turned around and hiked back out. I looked all over and walked up the stream and still no lake. 
I went back to my car and consulted my book and it looked like I was in the right place until I started reading the description of what the trailhead looked like. I was not by a fence or outhouse. I got in my car and drove about 3/4 of a mile more along the road and there was a fence! Parked and headed down the trail again. 

And with in a few feet this view opened up and I know I'd found the lake!

The loop is a little over 2 miles all around the lake and a pretty easy walk. It is great for an afternoon stroll. I saw a few people fishing and there are picnic tables for lunch. 
On the other side of the lake is a waterfall.

A view of the leaves changing colors and if you can tell there is a dusting of snow on top of the mountains in the background.

You can almost see the waterfall coming down just below the snow dusted mountains. 

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