Thursday, October 1, 2009

Quick update

Wed: I went exploring. There is a place called Media Markt that would be our equivalent to a Best Buy. It had all kinds of electronics and home appliances. I wandered around for a while and then tried to leave. Except the store didn't want me to leave with out purchasing something. It took me about 10 min to figure out how to get past the register without the lady thinking I was stealing something. It was quite the experience. Right next door was a store called Hofer. I would almost call it a Big Lots for food except about a fraction of the size. Everything was slightly discounted and I bought a bottle of wine for 2.50 euros and it wasn't even the cheapest one. I haven't tried it yet, but I will let you know if it is good!
Thurs: I wreck my bike! I was still able to ride it home, but both my knees are black and blue. In hind sight it was probably really funny to see, but at the time my pride was slightly damaged. I tried to go over a curb and the curb rejected my attempt. I've decided you have to hit them head on, you can't side swipe a curb and expect to go over it. : ) I will defeat the curb next time.
I've also started planning my two week break. Our last class on Friday is lunch : ) at 12. The first part of my break is still a little up in the air. I have the option to go around Austria or go to Rome. Both of which I would really like to do. Wed I fly out of Salzburg and end up in Barcelona for a few days, then to Paris, then Berlin, then Prague. I spend about 2 days in each. Not a lot of time, but I can't wait to see them!

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