Tuesday, October 13, 2009


This is Shoenbrunn. It was the summer residence of the Habsburgs. I would consider it the Austrian version of Versailles in France. The palace was just as extravagant and beautiful inside and out. The gardens where my favorite part. There were flowers of every color and they were all in full bloom. The gardens where acres big. I walked around them for a solid hour and a half and didn't even get to see it all. If I get a chance to go back I would just walk in the gardens for hours.
I also got to see the winter house Hofburg and the Ringstrasse. It was designed by Franz Josef to be a ring of buildings to show the status of Vienna. Each of the buildings in designed by a different architect and have a different style.
I even stayed in a hostel by myself for the first time. I will begin a list of things you should know while staying in a hostel:
1) bring a lock, there are lockers in the room to leave your stuff in while you are gone
2) hostels have luggage rooms, so you can leave your heavy backpack in this room while you walk around Vienna all morning and then check in at 3 and put your bag in your room
3) claiming your bed means more than just putting the sheets on them, you must also put a personal belonging there as well, i.e. sweatshirt, book...

This is me and Ben with Herbert Mikisch of Vienna.
We are related...
Rachael-> Victor-> Freda-> Mary Mikisch-> Franz Josef Mikisch
Franz had 7 brothers and sisters one of those brothers (Josef) is Herbert's great grandfather.
Pretty cool!


  1. I am technologically challenged so it has taken a while to get an account set up. Can't believe the help desk at work would not set this up for me. Just wanted to let let you know I have enjoyed living vicariously through you. Sounds like you are having a great time. If you make it to the Von Trapp house (sound of music) take a picture in front of it for me. uncle mike

  2. Dear Rachael,
    I am so pleased that we were all able to meet in Vienna -- the European family visited us in the USA in 1990 (Shawnee), but this is the first time that the American family has visited with them in Austria! It was great for you to join us! Herbert, Andrea (his wife) and their four children: Denise, Alene, Mariklar and Michael -- are lovely people and I hope you can meet up with them again in November. Denise is almost 19 and getting ready for university (they have two more years of high school, but college is only 3 years). I have been very slow to get my photos up -- but I will. I've only had about 1180 to sort through! Hugs and best wishes, Ben
