Wednesday, September 8, 2010


     First day of Kindergarten

     To start the day off I stood in front of the gate and said “Good Morning” to everyone who walked up. It was about a thirty minute ordeal and there was no breeze. Even at 8:30 in the morning you know you are in the tropics. All of the kids wear uniforms. They are white with either blue trim for the boys or pink trim for the girls. They also have a uniform for PE. This uniform is also white, but it has red trim regardless of whether the kid is a boy or girl. The Kindergarten teachers have to change over 30 kids in and out of the uniforms. 
This morning I didn’t have my normal class and I won’t have my normal classes this afternoon either. So I’m pretty much free for the day. I’ve not been given very clear directions about tomorrow either. What I did do today is go and visit all of my class. It was very apparent the teachers that discipline their students versus the ones who don’t. It will make for a very diverse range of teaching. I’m nervous and the anticipation of starting real classes is not helping. I’m ready to start to see if I will sink or swim. I’m treading water, so neither right now.

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