Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I’ve recovered a little from my disasters N1 classes. I think the problem is that I was focusing on one thing a day, but we need to do lots of little things each day, but repeat those things throughout the week. Instead of just doing a on Monday we do a, 1 and red on Monday and then add b, 2, blue on Tuesday. That way we are repeating, but adding new things.
     I spent a great evening and afternoon with Femke and Helen. We had a girls night/afternoon. Last night we had dinner and then a movie. The dinner was great and the movie really cheesy. The Expendables was good if you are looking for an action movie with not much else. We did get a good laugh out of it though.
     This afternoon we went to one of the coffee shops and talked for hours. It was really nice, because I learned a lot about them. They also asked me some great questions about Christianity and I hope I gave them answers they needed to hear. They seemed to really consider what I said, so that was encouraging. We then went to one of the streets in Zhongshan that is a market, a mile worth of tents. We had tea in a little shop on the road as well. It was great, because it was a side of Zhongshan I hadn’t seen yet.

     I just checked my bank statement and I took out 1000yuen and it was only $149. I was expecting a much worse exchange rate, b/c that is pretty close to what I got from the bank at home. And My bank only charged $1 or it would have only been $148. At home I have a $2 charge for using a none Liberty Federal ATM. So that was a good surprise. 

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