Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I think its time to fill the rest of you in on whats been going on here. I have enjoyed my time in China very much and I will always look back on it with a smile on my face. I will also have to come back some time, because I still haven't made it to the Great Wall.
     The thing is I don't really like teaching. It has been a struggle for me to get out of bed in the mornings, because I'm not looking forward to the day. I was also told before I came that not knowing Chinese really wasn't a big deal and you don't really need to know it if you are working in an international school. I beg to differ at least in my case. One of my favorite things about Europe was being able to talk to people and be involved in the community to a certain extent. I can't do that here. I would describe not knowing Chinese as just surviving here, but I don't want to just survive I want to thrive!
     So I have made up my mind to come and I am at peace with the idea. I have talked to the airline and I have a ticket. Then talking with one of my best friends last night she told me that her lymph nodes are potentially cancerous. I believe God was preparing me to hear that. He knew that I would want to be home with her for this. There are no such things a coincidences.
     So I will be landing in Tulsa Wednesday evening if all of my flights go as planned. I wish it had ended a little differently, but right now all I want to to is come home.

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