Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9.5.10 Sunday

This morning was great. I went to a Bible Study with Christine and a few other foreigners. Most of them were a little older and some even had kids, but it was so nice to have a small group of Christian friends. I also have to remember that I would be classified more as a young adult and not a college kid anymore. I’m beyond that stage of life even if I am only 22. One of the couples has even invited me to dinner! So Tuesday I will get a western meal. They are from Arkansas and Tennessee. I can’t wait. And they were all so nice and I can’t wait till next week.
     This afternoon I did a little exploring/shopping. I bought a few things all by myself and the language barrier wasn’t even that bad. We figured it out in the end. I may have paid a little more for the things, because I bought them in a store and not at a market, but I did it by myself.  I also bought some juice at a little juice bar and one of the guys there could speak English. It seemed so strange that he could speak English, but was working at a local juice shop and not at a bigger/better job. Oh, well it helped me out. I’m also getting pretty good at b

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