Sunday, September 12, 2010

More Pictures

This is the gate to the Primary School Gate. This is where I live and I have to walk through the gate back and forth every day. The guards are all really nice and say hello to me as I go back and forth.

This is the front of the Primary School 
After climbing 5 flights of stairs this is the hallway that leads to my apartment.  There is a basketball court on the floor below. The lock on the gated door never works and I spend about ten minutes trying to get the key to go in the lock.

This is the view from my bedroom window. You can see the basketball court below. 
There are two guys that love playing basketball.  They are there almost every evening. I checked to see if they could see in my room, but my windows are tinted so they can't during the day. And yes my window has bars.
This is a little park right outside of the Primary School gates. In the evenings there are a group of grandmas that come out and do some form of exercise. I may come and join them one evening. 
This is the front of the Kindergarten. It is about a 5 min walk from the Primary School. 
I discussed mooncakes in my last blog and thought a picture would do better than my description. Here you can see the nice yolk in the middle. 

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