Friday, September 10, 2010


I’ve forgotten to mention that I went to dinner with an American couple. I met them at the Bible Study I went to on Sunday. They are from Arkansas and Tennessee and have been living in China for the past three years. I went to their apartment Tuesday and they grilled hamburgers on their balcony. It was such a good meal and they are a great couple to spend time with. They are a great contact to know.
     I shaved my legs this morning for the second time since I’ve been here and I’m going to have to figure out how to use distilled safe drinking water to shave, because my legs itched so bad I almost couldn’t stand it. They don’t do that normally so I have to believe it is from shaving and then the water getting in my pores. I can’t drink the water that comes out of my faucet I have to buy water or I’ve got one of those kettles that boils water and I can drink it once it has been boiled. It makes me wonder if I started mixing in a tiny bit of faucet water with my safe water if in a year you can be acclimated to the water enough that I could have small drinks out of the faucet. I may begin a new experiment.
     The weather here is tropical and humid. As in I start sweating the instant I step outside even though the temperature is in the low 80s. It has got me thinking about the hardness of my bed and tile floors everywhere. These are for hygienic reasons. If there was carpet or a soft squashy bed they would mold or be perpetually wet all the time. The bed has to be hard to stay dry and the floor has to be tile to stay clean.
     Something God has been showing me since I’ve been here is how much He is in everything. I spend a good portion of my morning in prayer and I notice how much better my day goes. I feel better and at peace about everything that happens. I know He has me here for a reason and I’m beginning to wonder if Kindergarten is just a side job. It is what got me to China, but not my real focus. 

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